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Get Canadian Immigration updates from an CICC member.

Permanent Residence

Immigration to Canada as a Permanent Resident or apply from within Canada, VisaPrime can assist you with all your Permanent Residency needs.

Work & Study Visa

We offer assistance with all your work & study Visa applications, new or extensions we got you covered.


We specialize in working directly with employers supporting the LMIA applications, LMIA jobs and acting as a representative throughout.


Staffing & Recruitment

Our mission is to offer professional staffing & recruitment services for clients, employees and candidates, temporary or permanent.

Visitor Visa

Visiting Canada can give you the opportunity to see the breathtaking beauty of Canada up close or help extend your stay in Canada.

Family Sponsorship

At VisaPrime, we have expertise with applications to sponsor certain family members to live with you indefinitely in Canada.

How can we help you ?

immigration and visa consultant

If you’re an organization looking for reliable staff, you’re in the right place. We put our Prime focus on our employers because we understand their needs, so we work hard for them, and make sure they’re matched with the right candidates they deserve. 

immigration and visa consultant

From entering Canada on a temporary basis to remaining in Canada permanently, and eventually becoming a Canadian Citizen, VisaPrime is here to fulfill all your temporary and permanent Immigration needs.


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